Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Rome-ing" (Fri. 3-12-2010)

As part of this spectacular trip, I was able to do some free-traveling.  I chose to go to Rome, and it was a was a great experience!  I felt overwhelmed to be among so much incredible history.

Despite all the tiring walking, the cold weather and the random terrential downpour during the day, it was amazing.  Words could not express what I was feeling when I stepped into  St. Peter's Basilica.  The beauty and sacred artwork was unbelievable.  This is the traditional site where Peter was crucified and buried, his tomb being under the main altar along with many popes as well.  From the outside, St. Peter's Square designed by Bernini was impressive; the dome itself designed by Michelangelo was extraordinary; and the overall interior with Bernini's Baldacchino to Michelangelo's famous Pieta was undescribable.

Then I went to the Trevi Fountain which was much more impressive than I anticipated, and of course I had to throw in coins!

After that, I went by other churches and sites of the city.  I walked through the Roman Forum which was full of ancient Roman ruins and arches.  It was such a crazy feeling to be walking through that kind of history and see first-hand what is left of Roman architecture like that.

Finally, I made it to the Colosseum!  This was such a highlight for me because it was truly phenomenal to be able to touch this piece of history.  So many pictures were taken of all the remarkable sites I saw that day, and yet they cannot be captured in all actuality in a photograph.

To end the day, I did some last bit of shopping and headed back to pack up.  It was hard to believe the trip is fianlly over, and in the amount of time it took me to fall in love with this place and really learn my way around it, I would have to leave it.

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